Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In Pursuit of Excellence...or just Chasing My Tail?

Bart Starr was interviewed for an article last year and remembered that his coach, Vince Lombardi, often encouraged his team to "pursue perfection". Of course, he also remembered that they never got there - but that in pursuing perfection they captured excellence. That is a great mental picture. One in fact, that I try and remember occasionally. The visions most often chase me, of course, on the days when the kids are days behind in math or spelling, I have worn my sweats all day long and the kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes. It is hard to find excellence when life's challenges are taking over your big picture.

This blog is an attempt to block out the challenges and give you five minutes to focus on the opportunity to celebrate all that you do - and all that you accomplish. As a Learning Coach, you are an essential component of a new school model. That model is providing leading edge technology, high quality state certified teachers, the finest curriculum available in the United States today, and it happens from the comfort of your living room...or office...or bedroom...or on vacation....okay, it really can happen wherever you want to create a school environment for your child. And pretty much, that makes our unique school model the very definition of excellent. The opportunity really begins with you, with your committment to your child's education, your willingness to participate in the process as the Learning Coach, and your ability to put your life on hold and walk through this experience together with your child.

We, like you, are "just Moms". We have been blessed by children, who while not perfect, have been underserved in the traditional public school sector, leveraged out of a private school environment or maybe even come from a more traditional homeschool system. We live with the "laundry monster", have dust bunnies and have occasionally found a leftover cup of coffee on the computer desk that closely resembled a science experiment. We also have had the extraordinary experience of schooling our children at home using Publicly provided educational curriculum. We have created relationships with teachers committed to supporting our children's development and discipline. We have received boxes and boxes of curriculum - and have successfully organized, used and returned that curriculum. And we know that you can do it too! As a matter of fact, we want to join you in your quest and watch your success.

Bart Starr and the Greenbay Packers never did find that perfection that they were looking for. Most football fans remember that they did manage to catch excellence in a big way! We hope that you remember that perfection is not a label that is going to fit most homeschool homes - some days you will probably feel like you are chasing your tail - but the payoff is big. Your kids will not be perfect but what they will learn will help them be more responsible, more kind and more effective! Mark Twain was slightly disparaging about education when he said, "I have never let me schooling interfere with my education." Virtual schools are our society's best attempt to give students the chance for an excellent education without letting school intefere with that process.

We are so glad that you are on the journey with us. We hope that you can take an occasional break with us to celebrate our success, help with that which is holding you back and support others that are taking the same journey.

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